The Poki Porcupines of Pinchpokli

The Poki Porcupines lived in Pinchpokli. 
The winters in that place were becoming fierce year after year.

This year the winter was the coldest ever. 

"Brrr!" said Grandpa Porcupine as he rubbed his hands and snuggled closer to Grandma Porcupine who was dozing on her favourite branch of a tall tree. 
"Ouch!" shrieked Grandma Procupine as one of Grandpa's quills poked her.
 She pushed him away saying, 
"Why don't you keep your quills to yourself?"
"The winter is so cold this year, my dear. Let's come closer and stay warm" explained Grandpa.
"Oh no, no way! Just leave me in peace while I take a nap" grumbled Grandma Porcupine as she pushed him away.  

On every tree in Pinchpokli, it was the same story.  
The  Poki Porcupines saw many animals die because of the harsh weather. So they had a meeting on the tallest tree

Grandpa Porcupine's voice boomed over all others. He suggested,

"If we all huddle together, our body heat will keep each other warm and we can protect ourselves."

The other porcupines agreed to follow his advice because he was the oldest porcupine among them and had survived several winters. 

On the first day, as they grouped together, they realised that it was not so easy. There were strong arguments about whose quills were pricking whom. 
As the days passed, they began keeping a little distance between each other. 

The cold wind whistled through Pinchpokli and the winter grew even more colder.

One day, a frozen porcupine fell down from a tree and died.

All the Poki Porcupines came down to see him. They realised that they had no choice but to follow Grandpa Porcupine's advice and stay together to keep themselves warm. So they huddled together on the large branch of a tree. 

They learned to ignore the little wounds caused by the quills of their companions. They realised that it was better to be surrounded by warm pricks of their neighbours than to freeze alone in separation. 

Grandpa Porcupine smiled to himself as he hugged Grandma Porcupine. 
She kept on grumbling and mouthing several 'Ouches!' but the other porcupines chided her to keep quiet. 

Art: Irene D'Cruz, 75, India



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