The Missing Goat

One afternoon, two schoolboys had a crazy idea. 

They rounded up three goats from the neighbourhood and painted the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, and ’4’ on their sides. 

In the evening, they abandoned the goats inside their school building. 

The next morning, when the headmaster and teachers entered the school, they could smell that something was wrong. Soon, they saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance. They realised that some goats had entered the building. 

After searching, three goats were found. But the teachers were worried.
Where was Goat number 3?

They spent rest of the morning looking for it. There was panic and frustration.
The school declared classes off for the students for the rest of the day. 

The teachers, helpers, guards, and canteen staff were all busy looking for Goat number 3. 

It was never found because it did not exist. 

Art: Irene D'Cruz, 75, India

Note: Some people who have a good life do not feel fulfilled. They are looking for the missing Goat number 3. 



  1. Very innovative and inspiring story!

  2. Thanks, Nimish. It has a good message for us adults too!
