The Wise Old Owl

Art: Meressa Crasto, 12, Malaysia

Once upon a time, a group of owls moved from one forest to another.
The younger owls found themselves leafy green and strong trees to make a home.
There was an old owl among them who flew in last.
This old owl had to make its nest on a hard, dried-up tree.
“We are so lucky to have found these lovely shady trees to make our nests” said the young owls.
“Only time will tell who is lucky and who is unlucky” said the old owl.
One day, a group of woodcutters came to the forest.
They chopped down the strong healthy trees.
They did not cut the dried-up old tree because it was of no use to them.
The young owls had to leave their nests and search for new trees.
The old owl’s nest was safe. 
