
(This adventure story with the artwork is contributed by Lehini Nair, 8, Malaysia) 

One day there were high waves rushing towards the shore. A girl called Lara, who was seventeen, was going surfing to fulfill her mum’s dream. Her mum’s dream was to survive surfing with high waves but she never made it. The last time she tried the wave almost drowned her but thankfully the people on the shore rescued her. After that attempt, she couldn’t do it again because she was diagnosed with cancer – it was stage 4 and she was hospitalized. Lara wanted to make her mum happy while she was alive. So off she went on her surf board. Lara didn’t see a huge wave coming towards her. The wave drowned her till her nose but she could swim very well so she swam to a distant island.

After Lara reached the island she saw a little hut. From outside it looked peaceful but she wanted to explore the island before she stayed there for one day.  While exploring she thought of how her mother could survive because she was very close to her mum. After exploring the mysterious island, she wanted to see what was in the hut!

Lara went inside the hut. She saw lots of footsteps showing a trail. She followed the trail and it led her to the other end of the hut. Lara was confused about what was going on. Then she saw a little note saying “You are trapped”. She was scared about the note but she stayed strong. To her it meant like she was trapped on the island but it was much worse. It actually meant that she was trapped in the hut. The hut was a little creepy so she was really scared. Once she settled in she thought about a song called “Fight” that her mum used to sing to her when she was little. She worried about what would happen to her sick mum.

The next morning she got up and tried to free herself. But she still couldn’t get out. Lara was very worried about whether she’s going to make her mum happy. Her mum was her only mate since she was home-schooled. She was losing her confidence of surfing back. But this time she had a plan to get out. Lara used her strong surf board to break the walls of the hut which looked tacky and shaky. Hopefully she would make it in time to make her mum happy.

Lara surfed back and it was evening. She quickly ran back to the hospital but her mum wasn’t there. She ran back home and saw her mum lying on the bed. Lara was very excited to tell her mum that she had made her mum’s dream come true. She told her mum all about her adventure and her mum had a smile on her face and was very happy. Her mum said to her, “Thank you for making me happy but now it’s time for me to go. Just promise me that no matter what, you will keep fighting”. Lara was very sad but she vowed to keep the promise.

An original story by Lehini Nair. Protected by Copyright, 2018.

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